How Goji Berries can Preserve Vision: The Science Explained

Dried goji berries may aid in age-related vision loss, according to a new study conducted by researchers at the University of California, Davis. Age-related macular degeneration, or AMD, could be prevented or slowed down if the berries are consumed frequently.

AMD causes more vision loss in older people than any other condition. Over 11 million adults in the United States and 170 million worldwide are affected by it, making it the third leading cause of blindness worldwide.

Glenn Yiu, co-author of the study and associate professor in the Department of Ophthalmology and Vision Sciences, stated, “AMD affects the central visual field and can affect your ability to read or recognize faces.”

Dried Goji Berries, according to a study, can prevent age-related vision loss.

A brief randomized trial was carried out by researchers at UC Davis with 13 healthy middle-aged participants (aged 5 to 65). For ninety days, the volunteers consumed 28 grams, or about a handful, of Goji Berries five times per week.

The eyes’ density of protective pigments like lutein and zeaxanthin significantly increased after the study period. These pigments boost antioxidant production and filter harmful blue light. Both pigments help prevent vision loss caused by aging.

Lead by author Xiang Li, a Doctoral Student in the nutritional biology program, stated, “Lutein and zeaxanthin are like sunscreen for the eyes.”

“Your protection is enhanced by higher levels of lutein and zeaxanthin in your retina.” Li stated, “Our study demonstrated that even in normal, healthy eyes, a small daily dose of Goji Berries can increase these optical pigments.”

14 participants, on the other hand, did not experience any improvement when they used eye health supplements during the same time period. The findings of the study were presented in the journal Nutrients.

Goji Berries Used in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Goji Berries are found in two kinds of shrubs in the northwest of China: Lycium barbarum and lycium chinense they have been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years and have a flavor that is sweet and slightly sour. They are frequently consumed as snacks and are a key component of numerous Chinese soups and herbal teas.

Goji Berries, according to Chinese medicine, have “eye brightening” properties that slow down the loss of vision caused by age. Experiencing childhood in northern China, Li needed to concentrate on what the strong berries mean for eye wellbeing.

Li stated, “It is not clear which disease is the ‘eye-glazing’ target because there are many types of eye diseases.”

He began by investigating the bioactive compounds in Goji Berries, which he discovered to be rich in lutein and zeaxanthin. These potent antioxidants aid in lowering the likelihood of age-related vision loss, like AMD.

Li also discovered that Goji Berries contain zeaxanthin that is bioavailable. This indicates that the digestive system can easily absorb it for use by the body.

Causes and Treatment of Age-related Vision Loss such as Macular Degeneration

For moderate cases of AMD, special nutritional supplements known as AREDS are currently required. They have lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamin E, zinc, and C. There is currently no treatment that specifically targets the early stages of macular degeneration. It can be challenging to diagnose AMD because it typically lacks symptoms at first. However, a routine eye exam can reveal this and other issues with the eyes.

As per Yiu, numerous complicated elements add to progress in years related vision misfortune. These include factors like sun exposure, smoking, age-related changes, and genetic vulnerability.

Yiu stated, “Our study shows that in addition to high-dose supplementation, Goji Berries, a natural food source, can improve macular pigmentation in healthy participants.” Goji berries in patients with early-stage AMD will be the focus of our next investigation.

Although the findings are encouraging, the authors note that additional research is required to confirm them.

Goji berry supplements, on the other hand, were found to benefit 11 people with early macular degeneration in another study. They had a higher macular pigment density after 90 days of taking the supplement, which slowed the progression of AMD.

Other options to minimize or prevent Age-related Vision Loss

For healthier eyes, the National Institute on Aging offers the following advice:

  • When out in the sun, wear sunglasses and a hat with a wide brim.Protect your eyes throughout the year because the sun can still harm them, even on cloudy or winter days.
  • Stop smoking because it can make it more likely that you will develop diseases like AMD or cataracts and lose your vision as you get older.
  • Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables to stay healthy. Salmon, blueberries, goji berries, carrots, leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and antioxidant-rich fatty acids are all good for the eyes.
  • If necessary, exercise regularly and lose weight.
  • If you have diabetes or high blood pressure, check it out because both of these conditions can cause vision loss with age.
  • If you work on your computer for a long time, take 20-minute breaks. To unwind, get up, walk around, and look at things far away.
  • Have an eye exam every year. In the early stages of eye diseases, the majority of people don’t show any symptoms, so they often go unnoticed. However, an eye doctor or optometrist is able to identify and treat issues prior to their occurrence. Every year, if you are over the age of 50, you should go in for an extended eye exam so that your doctor can look at your eyes more closely.

The Most Recent Thoughts on the Research that Suggests Goji Berries Improve Vision

As you get older, you become more prone to health issues like age-related vision loss. Goji berries, on the other hand, have been found to protect against eye diseases like macular degeneration in recent UC Davis research. The participants’ eyes had higher levels of the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin after 90 days.

Goji berry supplement users also had more spot pigmentation, according to another study. However, the supplement’s users did not show any improvement in the initial study. In this manner, it is most likely best to eat goji berries in their normal structure prior to attempting different choices. Regardless, research demonstrates the power of goji berries, and their healing properties are beneficial to all of us.

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